1 in 60 Rule
The 1 in 60 rule is a navigational principle for pilots that indicates a one-degree deviation in heading will result in a one-mile off-course error after traveling 60 nautical miles. This rule provides a quick way to assess the impact of small heading errors over distance and helps pilots adjust their course when the remaining distance is known, allowing them to regain the correct heading and reach their destination.
The formula to calculate the TE (track error) is: Distance off-track X 60 : Distance flown
The formula to calculate the CA (correction angle) is: Distance off-track X 60 : Distance remaining
You need to sum both angles (TE+CA) and add the total angle correction to the current heading to fly a direct track to destination from the off-track position. This result will be the heading change either to the right or to the left (depending if you are left or right of track).