Reverse Percentage Calculator

Reverse Percentage Calculator


This reverse percentage calculator determines the percentage increase required to return a discounted value to its original amount. It’s a handy tool for pricing strategies, financial planning, or recovering from discounts. By simply entering the original price and the discount percentage, the calculator quickly computes the recovery percentage, eliminating manual calculations and ensuring accurate results.

How it works:

When you apply a discount, the price decreases, so the base value for calculating the percentage increase changes. For example:

Example 1: If an item originally priced at $100 is discounted by 20%, the reduced price becomes $80. To bring it back to $100, you need a 25% increase on $80 (not 20%).

Example 2: A salary of $50,000 is reduced by 15%, dropping to $42,500. To return to $50,000, you’d need a 17.65% increase on the reduced amount.